comforts oikawa, atsumu, osamu, suna, kiyoomi, tobio, shoyo, suga, bokuaka, venti, thoma, hu tao, kurapika, fav animals*
yay haikyuu, miya twins, sakuatsu, sunaosa, stray kids, genshin, hunter x hunter, voltron, animals (mainly foxes, weasel family, cows, cats and dogs)*
no ppl who hate my comforts and animals, problematic ppl (please dm me to lmk if i follow any, i will do the same for you), unnecessary discourse


he / xey / sunset 19 white autistic istp leo
biromantic demiromantic quoiromantic asexual
non-binary transmasc prns page

tw / cw gore, nsfw, moths, -phobia, furries, blood, cheating, genderbend, loud noises, flashing, topics in my dni

before you follow
i swear and use caps, use tone indicators (you should too), rt bot, mainly haikyuu but also stray kids, will tag tw/cw, sb to unfollow, don't add to gcs before asking
do not follow
-14 or 25+ (unless i fb/follow first), basic dni criteria edtwt, shtwt, mcyttwt, clikkietwt, don't tw/cw, anti neopronouns and xenogenders, problematic, post untagged nsfw
♪ i cannot explain this emotion, one four three, i love you ♪